
Consumers exposed to display advertising spend more money online

Consumers exposed to display advertising spend more money online

One in five US consumers exposed to brand display ad campaigns conduct related searches and one in three visit the brands’ sites, according to a new study from the Online Publisher’s Association.

The study, conducted by comScore, assessed 80 of the biggest branding campaigns across 200 of the most trafficked sites over a month’s time, analysing consumer behaviours of those internet users who were exposed to display advertising.

The research also found that, for consumers exposed to brand display advertising:

  • Users spent over 50% more time than the average visitor to these sites and consumed more pages
  • Users spent about 10% more money online overall, and significantly more on product categories related to the advertised brands
  • Higher income audiences visited the advertisers sites

Pam Horan, president of the Online Publishers Association, said: “Marketers recognize that consumers are spending nearly 40% of their media time online, making it an ideal place to deliver their brand messages.

“The findings suggest that measuring consumers exposed to an advertiser message in terms of their search activities associated with that brand, their visitation to the advertisers’ site and finally their e-commerce and retail spending activities, is a smart formula for getting an important view into display ad effectiveness.”

Recent figures from the Nielsen Company revealed that levels of online display advertising activity in the UK during the first four months of 2009 were up 21% on the same period during 2008 (see UK online display advertising up 21% year on year).

In April, the Internet Advertising Bureau and PricewaterhouseCoopers revealed that UK online adspend grew 17.1% in 2008, to £3.4 billion (see UK online adspend grew 17.1% in 2008).

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