
Largest ever US online video audience recorded in July

Largest ever US online video audience recorded in July


New research has found that almost 160 million US internet users watched online video during July, the largest audience ever recorded.

According to comScore data, there was a total of 21.4 billion online videos viewed during the month.

Google sites ranked as the top US property in July, with a record 8.9 billion videos viewed. YouTube accounted for more than 99% of all videos viewed at the property.

Viacom Digital was in second place with 812 million (3.8%) followed by Microsoft sites with 631 million videos viewed (3%).

Top US Online Video Content Properties* by Videos Viewed, July 2009, Total US Home/Work/University Locations
Property Videos (000) Share (%) of Videos
Total Intenet 21,371,342 100.0%
Google Sites 8,953,948 41.9%
Viacom Digital 812,343 3.8%
Microsoft Sites 630,631 3.0%
Fox Interactive Media 558,500 2.6%
Hulu 457,010 2.1%
Turner Network 390,848 1.8%
Yahoo! Sites 374,746 1.8%
Disney Online 169,756 0.8%
CBS Interactive 150,165 0.7%
ABC Television 137,800 0.6%
comScore Video Metrix
*Rankings based on video content sites; excludes video server networks. Online video includes both streaming and progressive download video.

More than 158 million viewers watched an average of 135 million videos during July. Google sites surpassed its all time high with 121 million unique viewers during the month (74.1 videos per viewer), followed by Microsoft Sites with 65 million viewers (9.8 videos per viewer).

Figures published last week by The Nielsen Company said that there was a 14.2% year on year increase in US online unique viewers to almost 136 million in July.

Total streams were up 31.4% to more than 11.2 billion in July, with average streams per viewer up 15.1% to 82.4, said Nielsen.

Elsewhere, eMarketer has forecast that US online video spending will account for 4.3% of total online ad spending and 1.6% of television ad spending this year.

By 2013, eMarketer estimates online video spending will account for 11% of online ad spending and 5.5% of the TV ad spend.

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