
Twitter users “more likely to click on online ads”

Twitter users “more likely to click on online ads”

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Twitter users are nearly twice as likely to click on internet ads and review products online than those who use only traditional social networks, according to a new study from Interpret.

The survey – conducted in August 2009 among more than 9,200 internet users – found that one-fourth (24%) of Twitter users had reviewed or rated products online, compared with just 12% of those who had used other social networks but not Twitter.

Twitter users are also twice as likely to view online company profiles than non-Tweeters (20% vs. 11%), the study found, and are almost twice as likely to investigate ads or sponsored links by clicking on them (20% vs. 9%).

Earlier today, figures from the IAB revealed that online adspend in the UK has overtaken TV for the first time.

And last week Jack Myers forecast that US online adspend will be greater than local and national spot TV this year.

Online expenditure will rise from 10.6% of the total in 2008 to 12.2% this year, said Myers.

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