
BBC to slash 100 senior manager roles and freeze pay

BBC to slash 100 senior manager roles and freeze pay


The BBC is planning to cut 100 senior manager roles and freeze pay for a further three years in a bid to reduce its outgoings.

The BBC Trust announced the plans yesterday as part of an overhaul of the corporation’s remuneration structure that will reduce the £79 million annual pay bill of over 600 of its most highly paid executives by £20 million.

The restructuring, which will take place over the next three and a half years, will also see around 18% of senior managers at the BBC lose their jobs by 31 July 2013.

Michael Lyons, the BBC Trust chairman, said: “The Trust challenged the BBC Executive to review senior pay at the BBC.  Mark Thompson and his team have responded with a comprehensive set of proposals that strike the right balance between ensuring the BBC can attract the best people to do the job, while ensuring maximum value for the licence fee payer.”

Mark Thompson, director general, added: “A few months ago we announced our determination to reduce the amount we pay top on-air talent.  The recommendations we have announced seek to achieve similar reductions within our senior management community.

“Senior managers will see their total remuneration fall over the period, with the biggest reductions felt by those in the most senior positions.

“I and every other senior manager need to recognise that we are in a different economic climate, that the media sector labour markets are depressed and that there are significant pressures on public finances.”

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