
Rupert Murdoch’s paid-model to be delayed

Rupert Murdoch’s paid-model to be delayed

Rupert Murdoch

Rupert Murdoch’s self-imposed deadline of next June to introduce pay walls for his newspaper websites may be put back.

Speaking last night, Murdoch said the company is behind schedule to introduce a paid-model by the end of News Corporation’s financial year.  The new model will charge users to access sites including The Sun, The Times and the New York Post.

However, when asked about the June deadline, Murdoch said: “I wouldn’t promise that we’re going to meet that date.”

Murdoch didn’t explain the reasons for the delay but said he is busy talking to rival publishers including Telegraph Media Group.  “It’s a work in progress and there’s a huge amount of work going on,” he said.

Since his announcement three months ago, the industry has been divided over paid-for online news.  Some publishers have followed Murdoch’s lead, however, others – including the Guardian – have said they will remain free.

The New York Times has been toying with the idea for months but is finally close to announcing a decision.

On Monday, the paper’s executive editor Bill Keller said the company plans to make an announcement on if and how it will charge for online content “within a matter of weeks”.

However, he said: “It’s a much tougher, more complicated decision than it seems to all the armchair experts. There is no clear consensus on the right way to go.”

Aside from the actual decision to put content behind a pay wall, publishers are also being faced with the model issue.  Several options have been talked about, including a metered approach, micro-payments, charging for premium content only and introducing a subscription fee.

The industry is thought to be anticipating The New York Times‘ decision as a benchmark for others to follow.

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