
IPA Trends in Television report: Daily viewing figures at 3.5 hours

IPA Trends in Television report: Daily viewing figures at 3.5 hours

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The latest IPA Trends in Television report, for Q3 2009, shows that average daily viewing figures stand at 3.54 hours.

This compares to the same levels for Q3 2008, and 3.56 hours for Q2 2009.

The report also reveals that ITV, Channel 4 and five are slightly down in audience share for this quarter (by 1.3%, 0.5% and 0.1% respectively), whilst the non-terrestrial channels continue to grow (up by 1.3% for Q3 and 3.2% y-o-y).

There is a continued growth of digital penetration, which now stands at 90.1% of all homes, said the IPA, with the number of homes relying solely on analogue terrestrial signals now below 10% for the first time (at 9.3%).

Lynne Robinson, IPA research director, said: “This is another good quarter for television – we can expect the move to digital to be accelerated even more next quarter after the digital switchover in the Granada region.”

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