
Manchester Evening News to rejoin ABC

Manchester Evening News to rejoin ABC

Manchester Evening News building

The Manchester Evening News is rejoining the ABC regional newspaper sales audit after it pulled out last year.

MEN Media withdrew the paper in August saying that the audit did not clearly represent its hybrid distribution model, which sees free copies handed out in the city centre.

In April, the paper changed its distribution pattern, reducing the number of free copies it offered in the early part of the week and has now stopped giving it away on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. This means it will be fully paid-for from Monday to Wednesday and Saturdays, and part free, part paid-for on Thursdays and Fridays.

ABC rules introduced last year state: “The number of free copies distributed must follow a consistent and regular pattern on an every issue basis to agreed distribution points for active pick-up by or to be handed to the final individual recipients.”

However, ABC has now altered the rules to allow MEN’s distribution model to be audited.

Ruth Spratt, managing director of MEN Media, said: “In August we said we hoped that in the not too distant future, through continued discussion, our more bespoke and transparent distribution pattern would be included within ABC rules and that we could move the Manchester Evening News back into ABC.

“This has now become a reality and we look forward to becoming part of the ABC auditing process at the beginning of the New Year.”

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