
US online video viewing hits record high

US online video viewing hits record high


More than 170 million US internet users watched online video during November, with nearly 31 billion videos viewed during the month, according to the latest data from comScore.

Google sites remained the top ranked US online video property in November, delivering 12.2 billion videos. YouTube accounted for nearly 99% of all videos viewed at the property, said comScore.

Hulu ranked second with 924 million videos viewed (3%) followed by Viacom Digital with 500 million (1.6%) and Microsoft Sites with 480 million (1.5%).

The comScore data also revealed that 84.8% of the total US internet audience viewed online video, with the average online video viewer watching 12.2 hours of content.

More than 170 million viewers watched an average of 182 videos per viewer during November, with Google sites attracting 129 million unique viewers during the month (94.7 videos per viewer), followed by Yahoo! sites with more than 55 million viewers (8.5 videos per viewer).

comScore figures for October showed that more than 167 million US internet users watched online video during the month.

In September, TNS and The Conference Board published research showing that nearly one out of four US households watches TV online, up from 20% last year.

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