
Strong promise for mobile phone market in 2010

Strong promise for mobile phone market in 2010

Mobile internet

A new study shows strong promise for the mobile phone market in 2010, with 53% of Americans planning to buy a mobile phone in the next six months, up from just 24% a year ago.

According to the TNS study of over 24,000 consumers in 35 markets, touchscreen phones are set to be the big winners, with 29% of consumers looking to buy one as their next phone. Mobiles with Qwerty keyboards are also rising in popularity, with 23% planning to purchase one as their next device.

Tom Buehrer, senior vice president of TNS, said: “Increased consumer confidence, pent-up demand and a raft of new smartphones have created conditions akin to a ‘perfect storm’ for 2010, and the industry stands to make out handsomely.

“Purchase intent is at unprecedented levels and has risen dramatically since last year, which presents the industry with an opportunity to drive handset sales and simultaneously build incremental revenue through content and data plans.”

Just before Christmas, a report from Gartner forecast that the mobile device market will see sales increase 9% year on year compared to 2009.

This prediction is similar to Nokia’s statement at its Capital Markets Day event in Helsinki earlier in December that the mobile device market will rise 10% next year compared to 2009.

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