
Guardian iPhone app hits 70,000 downloads

Guardian iPhone app hits 70,000 downloads

Mobile internet

The Guardian‘s iPhone app has hit almost 70,000 downloads in its first month.

The app, on sale for £2.39, allows users to browse news, comment, features, photo galleries and audio from guardian.co.uk and check out the latest content most relevant to them, even offline.

Emily Bell, director of digital content, Guardian News & Media, said: “We are thrilled with our download figures for the first month of the app. The feedback we have received from users has been excellent, yet also extremely informative in terms of features and functionality that can be improved in the future.

“Over the Christmas break the app became available in many areas of mainland Europe, as well as in Canada and Australia for the first time, so we hope our global audiences will enjoy using the app as well.”

The Telegraph, Independent, Financial Times, and Sky News all offer free iPhone apps, with the Sky News app hitting one million downloads this week.

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