
ABC Consumer Jul-Dec 2009: TV Listings

ABC Consumer Jul-Dec 2009: TV Listings


Just one title in the TV listings sector – IPC Media’s TV & Satellite Week – managed to avoid a year on year dip in its circulation in the second half of 2009, according to the latest ABC consumer magazine data.

While H Bauer’s TV Choice was once again the listings mag with the top circulation at 1.3 million copies, it was down year on year by 4.9%. Not too far behind it is IPC Media’s What’s on TV, which now has a circulation of around 1.2 million following a 5.5% year on year fall.

BBC Worldwide’s Radio Times and IPC’s TV Times were down 2.2% and 6.5% year on year respectively, although there were big differences in their total circulation figures. Radio Times has a total figure of around one million copies, while TV Times‘ is nearer 321,000 copies. Both titles were nevertheless up on H1 2009.

There were pretty large falls for IPC’s TV Easy, down by around 15% year on year to under 181,000 copies, while H Bauer’s TV Quick shed almost 27% of its circulation, leaving it at under 123,000.

Total TV Guide was down very slightly year on year, by 0.4%, although it was up period on period, to almost 111,000 copies.

Saving the one increase in circulation until last, TV & Satellite Week‘s total grew 1% year on year and period on period, to top 185,000 copies.

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Hachette Filipacchi’s Inside Soap was down year on year and period on period by 5.8% and 2.5% respectively, leaving its total at around 177,000 copies, while IPC Media’s Soaplife was down 9.5% year on year and around 14% period on period, to just under 102,000 copies.

Also published by Hachette Filipacchi, All About Soap was down 15% year on year and 10.1% period on period, to around 96,000 copies.

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