
SeeSaw online TV service launches

SeeSaw online TV service launches

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Online TV service SeeSaw has fully launched in the UK today following a brief beta test, started at the end of January.

The TV streaming service – built on the bones of Project Kangaroo after it was blocked by the Competition Commission – had around 20,000 users for the trial.

It launches today with over 3,000 hours of free-to-view content, from partners including BBC Worldwide, Five and Channel 4, and is funded by 60-second ads before and during shows.

Pierre-Jean Sebert, CEO SeeSaw, said: “This is a landmark moment for TV fans across the UK, who can now enjoy their favourite shows on one platform.

“We have been hard at work, developing a user-friendly interface and selecting a diverse range of high quality programming but this is just the beginning.

“We have listened carefully to our beta testers and, over the coming months, will be implementing many of their suggestions and adding a raft of high quality British and international content. Everyone working on the service is committed to making SeeSaw a great place to watch TV.”

SeeSaw aims to offer a further 2,000 hours of programming on the service in time for the launch of a premium paid-for model, which will take place in Q2, with more details to be confirmed.

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