
Guardian app hits 100,000 downloads

Guardian app hits 100,000 downloads

Guardian App Logo

Guardian News & Media’s app has been downloaded more than 100,000 times since its launch in December.

The Guardian iPhone and iPad app has already generated over £240,000 for the publishing group since it went on sale on 14 December, according to reports.

The app, which was designed by an in-house team and built by zergo, allows readers to view news stories, comment pieces and photos as well as listen to audio from guardian.co.uk for a one-off price of £2.39.

It was downloaded 70,000 times in its first month alone and continues to generate sales despite The Guardian‘s free web offering.

Emily Bell, director of Digital Content at Guardian News & Media, said breaking the 100,000 download barrier in such a little time is “an enormous achievement”.

“The feedback we received at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona last week from both the industry and users was very complimentary, and we are thrilled that the app is being showcased in Apple’s latest television campaign.”

The app has been downloaded 101,457 times in total, according to figures up to the beginning of yesterday.

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