
TGI: Top executives’ media consumption

TGI: Top executives’ media consumption

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Top executives (Chairman, CEO, MD, Deputy MD) can be an elusive target for advertisers due to their busy work schedule and travel commitments. Data from the Premier TGI survey of AB adults can help marketers reach this valuable group.


More than 40% of top executives average at least an hour online daily, and they are 60% more likely to use wireless hotspots. They are three times as likely as the average AB adult to visit business information sites regularly and more than twice as likely to visit sites dealing with share prices and investment.

Other popular sites include motoring, online directories and price comparison websites. Top executives are also twice as likely as the average to subscribe to RSS feeds, with 12% doing so.

Mobile broadband is also popular and may be seen as essential – with 58% of top executives saying they cannot do without mobile communication. Almost a quarter use mobile broadband and top applications including Bluetooth, email and word-processing / spreadsheets.

Top executives are 50% more likely than the average AB adult to use MP3 on their mobile and 80% more likely to have a touchscreen.

TGI Online


Those who oversee national and international businesses may spend a lot of time on the road, on trains and in planes. As a result, certain types of outdoor and ambient advertising over-index against this group.

Two key examples include taxi and airport advertising.  Approaching a fifth of top executives have seen ads inside a taxi in the past week (80% more likely) and 30% have seen advertising at an airport (45% more likely). Almost a third have also seen advertising in the London Underground (20% more likely).

TGI Outdoor

Print Media

Newspapers have traditionally performed well against business people and continue to do so today. Four-fifths of top executives read at least one newspaper a week, and 40% regularly source business information from business magazines and the trade press.

Key newspaper topics of interest include business and company news, science and technology, as well as finance. Top executives are also twice as likely to be interested in articles reviewing new products.

It may surprise some to learn that top executives are also 50% more likely to agree that relevant direct mail can change their opinion of a company or brand, and 30% more likely to ‘sometimes’ respond to direct mail. This may tie into their abiding faith in print together with an interest in new products and, of course, value for money.

TGI Print

Premier TGI is an annual survey of around 6,000 AB adults aged 20+ in Britain. The survey measures media and brand consumption, lifestyle, attitudes, and business responsibility as well as offering a range of AB specific information.

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