It looks like being a strong year for online publishers, with all AOP members predicting positive revenue growth this year, and 50% predicting growth of more than 10%.
According to the results of the AOP’s annual census, the main growth areas are expected to be in display ads, with video particularly expected to show significant growth this year.
With a 100% response rate from its members, the census reveals that 75% are planning to increase overall investment in their digital businesses, while under half will increase their investment in training, with a similar number keeping their current level of investment.
The top five challenges to development that AOP members are concentrating on are mobile and apps development (51%); measurement of ROI (41%) database development and utilisation (40%); CMS and API changes (34%) and people skills development (30%).
Tim Cain, head of research and insight at AOP, said: “The organisation census represents the views of the entire AOP publisher membership, providing a solid barometer of the digital publishing industry for the year ahead.
“The organisation census format is in its second year, although the AOP Census was first published in 2002, and is growing in its breadth to reflect both the structural issues that underpin digital publisher’s businesses and the diversification of business challenges and opportunities that are emerging.”