
US social media users check sites throughout the day

US social media users check sites throughout the day

The Internet

New research from consumer electronics site Retrevo.com has found that 48% of US social media users check Facebook and Twitter in bed, during the night or as soon as they wake up in the morning.

The research also found that 16% of social media users get their morning “news” via Facebook and Twitter, while iPhone users access these sites more often and in more places than non-iPhone users.

A recent comScore study revealed that 30.8% of US smartphone users accessed social networking sites via their mobile in January 2010, a 22.5% year on year increase.

According to comScore, visits to Facebook via mobile browsers grew 112% in the past year, while Twitter experienced a 347% increase.

And the Retrevo.com research offers more evidence that social media can be habit forming; 56% of social media users need to check Facebook at least once a day, while 12% check the site every couple of hours.

The study also asked consumers how they felt about being interrupted with electronic messages, and found that 40% of respondents didn’t mind being interrupted, with 32% saying receiving a message during a meal was not off limits, while 7% said they would check a message during an “intimate moment”.

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