
Web giants sign up to get the entire UK population online

Web giants sign up to get the entire UK population online

Race Online 2012 website

Google, Microsoft, BT, and Sky have signed up to partner Race Online 2012, a new initiative aiming to get 100% of the UK population online by 2012.

The first wave of Race Online 2012 partners – which also includes TalkTalk, Skype, McDonalds, and Comet – have all committed significant resources to the initiative, with Google creating a simple guide to the internet and several other partners taking part in a ‘Pass IT on’ campaign to persuade customers to pass on their web skills.

Government digital inclusion champion and head of the initiative, Martha Lane Fox, said: “The level of vision and commitment from our first wave Race Online 2012 partners has been extraordinary.

“The Race Online 2012 ambition will create profound social and economic change and will mark a step change for the country as a whole. Together we are within reach of our goal to enable the 4 million most socially excluded to benefit from the opportunities and cost efficiencies that the web has to offer.”

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