
Ofcom blasts ESPN and C4 for breaking advertising rules

Ofcom blasts ESPN and C4 for breaking advertising rules

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Ofcom has criticised broadcasters including Channel 4 and ESPN for “continuing failure to comply with the requirements” that restrict how many adverts can be shown per hour.

The regulator reminded broadcasters that it has the power to impose sanctions against them should they continue to break the rule, which states that “time devoted to television advertising and teleshopping spots on any channel in any one hour must not exceed 12 minutes.”

In February, the Disney-owned broadcaster ESPN transmitted more than the permitted allowance of advertising minutes during a one hour period on five separate occasions, Ofcom said.

However, ESPN blamed the slip-up on technical problems and the uncertainty around live sporting events, saying “existing compliance-checking procedures were neither flexible nor effective enough to deal with the uncertain duration of live sports events”.

Ofcom found the broadcaster in breach of the COSTA regardless of its defense and said it may consider “further regulatory action” if ESPN fails to improve its procedures to ensure it doesn’t happen again.

Channel 4 was also found in breach of COSTA on two separate occasions.  During the Channel 4 racing on 20 February, the broadcaster aired 13 minutes and 44 seconds of advertising during one clock hour.

Within weeks of the first breach, Channel 4’s More 4 transmitted 12 minutes and 11 seconds of advertising during one clock hour.

In response, Channel 4 said it has taken steps to ensure compliance with Ofcom’s rules, however, the regulator noted that the broadcaster made similar promises after a previous incident.

A number of other television channels were found in breach of COSTA, including True Movies, Film 24 and Body in Balance.

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