
Rupert Howell to leave ITV

Rupert Howell to leave ITV


Rupert Howell is set to his leave his role as managing director of brand and commercial at ITV.

Howell, who joined ITV in October 2007, is stepping down from the board on 1 June after failing to secure a suitable role following ITV’s chairman Archie Norman and chief executive Adam Crozier’s strategic review of the business.

“I have discussed with Adam [Crozier], given the proposed changes arising from the strategy review, that there is not a role I want to commit to for the next three to five years, and therefore I have agreed to leave and step down from the plc board,” Howell said.

ITV’s commercial team will remain unchanged for now, with Gary Digby heading up the sales operation.

Crozier, who joined ITV last month, is currently working with LEK Consulting to conduct a comprehensive strategic review of the business.

“Under Rupert’s leadership the commercial team has made significant progress in adapting to the challenges of the new media marketplace. We will continue on that journey, working in close partnership with our advertisers as we transform ITV’s business over the next three to five years,” Crozier said.

Howell has been in the advertising industry for more than 25 years.  He was the co-founder of ad agency HHCL and headed-up the EMEA division of Interpublic ad network McCann Erickson before he joined ITV.

News of Howell’s departure has had a mixed response from agencies, with some executives saying it will give ITV the chance to adopt a new business model in line with the changing market, while others claim there will be minimal changes to ITV’s current sales operation.

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