
RAJAR Q2 2010: London stations

RAJAR Q2 2010: London stations

The Palace of Westminster in London

Heart 106.2 FM is officially the Capital’s number one station, after shooting ahead of the old favourite Magic 105.4 to claim the highest weekly reach.  The Global-owned station posted impressive yearly and quarterly increases in the Q2 2010 RAJAR release.

Bauer’s Kiss 100 is also doing well after a substantial period on period rise.  The urban music station is quickly gaining ground on 95.8 Capital Radio with a total reach of more than 1.8 million listeners.

More and more listeners are tuning in to Absolute as well.  Both Absolute London stations posted staggering increases during the quarter, despite being down compared with the same period last year.

Absolute also managed to increase its share of the London market in Q2, as did Kiss 100 FM and Heart 106.2 FM, while 95.8 Capital Radio is slowly seeing its share of listening decline.  Bauer’s Magic 105.4 and Kiss 100 FM are now dominating the highest share of the market.

In terms of average hours, only two stations managed to keep listeners for longer in Q2 2010.  Once again, Kiss 100 posted stand-out results, showing that it is holding listeners for a lot longer than last quarter and last year.  Its fellow Bauer station Magic also saw an increase in the amount of time people are tuning in, compared with Q1 2010.

However, on the whole, most London stations struggled to keep listeners engaged in Q2.  95.8 Capital Radio and Heart 106.2 FM both saw their average hours decrease over the year and the quarter.  Absolute’s London stations also noticed a drop in hours during the quarter, although they have managed a big increase on this time last year.

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