
Kantar Q2 2010: Online Usage

Kantar Q2 2010: Online Usage

Kantar MediaThe UK’s online universe has grown by 2 million in the past year according to data released by market research company Kantar Media’s Internet Monitor survey. In the second quarter of this year the internet audience in the UK grew by 6% compared to the same period last year. The data shows that a monthly average of 37 million people accessed the internet from April to June 2010.


Internet Users by Location

7.1 million people now access the internet through their mobile phones and this has seen a YoY increase of 72%. Going online from home remains the most popular location for UK users with 97% of the online universe doing so. The number of people logging on from work remains much smaller with only 34% of internet users having access. 12.5 million people going online from their work place results in an increase of 6.5% YoY.

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Internet Users by Gender

The new data sees a gap of 740,000 more men than women online which may seem like a step backwards from the last period but compare this to the second quarter 2002, when there were 2.57 million more men than women, and it is clear that the internet is equally an essential part of daily life in the UK for both sexes.


Internet Users by Age

The 55-64 bracket saw the biggest uptake, seeing an extra 14.8% go online YoY. Younger users, who would be early adopters of technology, saw slower but steady growth compared the same period in 2009. Users aged 65+ in the UK have grown by 6% YoY but account for the smallest age bracket with 3.3 million people.

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Internet Users by Social Grade

All social grades grew in usage YoY with the C1s containing the largest amount of people at 11.4 million. The ABs, with 10.7 million, saw the lowest YoY growth at 2.4%. Once again the lower social grade DE saw the highest growth and shared actual amount of people with the C2 group, at 7.3 million people.

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For more information about Internet Monitor, please contact Trevor Vagg

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