
Essentials magazine to release “model free” edition in October

Essentials magazine to release “model free” edition in October


IPC’s Essentials magazine is releasing a “model free” edition in October, featuring ten real women instead of models or celebrities.

Jules Barton-Breck, Essentials editor, says this decision was due to the “fantastic readers we feature each issue”.

“So many of these women look, and are, amazing that we wanted to celebrate them. In our recent reader survey 70% told us that they would rather see a real woman on the cover of a magazine than a celebrity, so we’re excited to be the first magazine in the UK to do this every month!” she added.

Real women will feature throughout the entire magazine instead of models and celebrities, from the fashion and beauty sections to a naked photo shoot in the health section.

The issue also launches the start of a “no models or celebrities on the cover” rule, meaning that all future issues will only use real women as cover stars.

Essentials publisher Ilka Schmitt says: “Celebrating our readers by putting them on the cover is a brave move, but it just feels right for Essentials. Essentials is a woman’s magazine that offers something different and more and more women are discovering that. Seven consecutive year-on-year ABC increases do not lie.”

The Essentials October issue is released on 2 September.

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