
IMD and Clearcast aim to develop system for VoD platforms

IMD and Clearcast aim to develop system for VoD platforms


IMD and Clearcast have extended their partnership in a bid to develop a data transfer system for VoD platforms.

The companies have signed a new six year deal that will allow them to continue to operate and develop services including CARIA – the data transfer system for TV, which joins up the online management of campaign data to help make TV more accountable, cost-effective and easy to book.

However, they also plan to extend the CARIA service in to video-on-demand platforms.

“Optimad, now part of IMD, pioneered the introduction of an industry wide campaign administration and creative exposure management platform called CARIA®. It delivered tremendous efficiencies to the TV industry and
its agency clients,”  Simon Cox, CEO of IMD, said.

“Optimad’s vision has always included extending this process of connecting the industry online over the internet in the long term. This new agreement validates that vision and will help it to become even more of a reality.”

Chris Mundy, managing director of Clearcast, added: “Clearcast is uniquely positioned and committed to streamlining advertising workflows to the benefit of everyone that advertises on TV and in the wider audiovisual media. This extension will help us make advertising processes simpler and more effective.”

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