
i – the facts

i – the facts


The Independent launched its new 20p quality newspaper i today.

Here are the facts:

  • It has 56 pages – the same number of pages as The Independent minus its Viewspaper pullout
  • Today’s debut edition carries 32 ads – one more than the £1 Indy (not including house promotions)
  • The majority of the ads are the same across the two titles with Plusnet and Specsavers even taking up the same pages
  • Only three of i’s advertisers do not feature in The Independent – WH Smith, Dell and Hyundai
  • Other i advertisers include Ryanair, Google and Barclays
  • i‘s strapline is “The paper for today from The Independent
  • “The housing crisis of Coalition Britain” is the leading headline
  • i uses colour coding for its sections, including news, views, TV, business and sport
  • The editorial is made of up news snippets, opinion pieces and features (all taken from The Independent)
  • i offers “The News Matrix – The day at a glance” on pages 2 and 3 to appeal to ‘time-poor’ people

MediaTel staff gave a mixed response – some thought it was boring, patronising and difficult to read.  Others weren’t keen on the lack of sport on the back page, despite the good ad in its place.  However, some thought it offered more content than expected and is a (positive) step up from the Metro.   Would you pay 20p for it?

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