
Cable loses grip on the pay-TV market

Cable loses grip on the pay-TV market


Cable is still the leading platform for pay-TV in Europe but analysts say its dominance is slipping due to the rise of IPTV.

Cable had around a 77% market share in 2000 and a 54% share at the end of 2009.

A new report from Informa Telecoms & Media claims there has been a slow erosion of cable services’ grip on the pay-TV market and predicts its market share will fall to 43% by the end of 2015.

As such, DTV and IPTV are expected to benefit.  IPTV has seen the biggest rise in recent times and its share is forecast to double in the next five years to nearly a fifth (18%) of the market, while DTV’s is expected to maintain a 28% share.

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