
Clive Milner to leave News International

Clive Milner to leave News International

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Clive Milner, chief operating officer, is set to leave News International after 30 years in the company.

“Clive has been a senior figure in NI for many years and has been a tremendous support and colleague,” Rebekah Brooks, NI’s chief executive, said. “He has successfully delivered many of our most ambitious programmes in recent years and also represented News International within the industry and has done a great job with the utmost integrity and professionalism.

“He leaves with the personal thanks of both Rupert and James Murdoch for his major contribution to the success of News International.”

Milner played a key role in the development of News International’s modern print plants at Broxbourne, Knowsley and Eurocentral and pioneered a new distribution network for NI titles.

Rupert Murdoch, chairman and chief executive office of News Corp, added: “Clive has been my colleague at News International for 30 years and in that time I have had great regard for the skill with which he helped create the successful company we see today. Clive is a professional newspaperman of the highest calibre who has served both his company and the whole industry in the UK with distinction.”

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