
Apple 50% share of mobile phone market profit… on 5% market share

Apple 50% share of mobile phone market profit… on 5% market share

Mobile Phones

Yesterday we reported eMarketer’s predictions that sales of smartphones powered by Google’s Android will overtake Apple iPhones within two years – 31% to 30% by 2012.

Today, we would like to bring to your attention an interesting updated analysis by Asymco of the mobile phone market, comparing market share, sales and profit figures for the major mobile phone vendors.

Apple’s market share in this analysis is under 5% of the market, but that share – all built around high-end iPhones of course – garners over 50% of the profit.

Mobile profit chart

Read the full article here.

MediaTel’s next event discussing the mobile market will take place at RBS in London on the morning of 18 March and includes panellists from Google, O2 and Monetise.

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