
BBC Live+7 releases first results

BBC Live+7 releases first results

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The BBC’s cross-platform measurement system Live+7, which includes iPlayer views, HD and narrative repeats, as well as live and recorded viewing for seven days after TX, has released its first results.

BBC3 programmes enjoyed the biggest ratings uplift in the seven days following transmission, with Snog Marry Avoid seeing a 560% rise on its overnight figure in January – an increase of nearly 1.5 million.

BBC3’s Ready Steady Drink and Hotter Than My Daughter also put in good performances, with ratings up 465% and 463% respectively.

Six BBC4 programmes also saw an increase – up by more than 100%. On BBC1, two shows were up by 100%, while BBC2 saw four shows double their ratings – Top Gear was up 334%, 5.2 million.

Read the full Broadcast article here.

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