
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: March 2011

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: March 2011

UK Daily National Newspapers

National newspaper circulation figures were down across the board once again in March, with the total daily market posting a 5% year on year decline.

However, two titles recorded slight increases on February’s figures – the FT and the Daily Record.

The Sunday newspaper market suffered an even greater 7% year on year fall (just one title – the Independent on Sunday – managed to increase its circulation period on period).

Daily Newspaper Market

Daily Titles Mar 10 Feb 11 Mar 11 YoY Actual Change YoY % Change PoP Actual Change PoP % Change
Total Daily 10,220,911 9,794,577 9,714,618 -506,293 -5.0 -79,959 -0.8
Daily Telegraph 686,679 628,338 626,416 -60,263 -8.8 -1,922 -0.3
Financial Times 401,286 378,707 381,658 -19,628 -4.9 2,951 0.8
Guardian 283,063 262,612 261,116 -21,947 -7.8 -1,496 -0.6
i N/A 175,714 171,415 N/A N/A -4,299 -2.4
Independent 184,137 182,513 181,934 -2,203 -1.2 -579 -0.3
Times 502,436 445,962 446,109 -56,327 -11.2 147 0.0
Mid Market
Daily Express 668,273 623,603 620,616 -47,657 -7.1 -2,987 -0.5
Daily Mail 2,082,352 2,070,625 2,039,731 -42,621 -2.0 -30,894 -1.5
Daily Mirror 1,247,013 1,177,220 1,155,895 -91,118 -7.3 -21,325 -1.8
Daily Record 333,359 312,461 312,655 -20,704 -6.2 194 0.1
Daily Star 827,005 718,478 699,216 -127,789 -15.5 -19,262 -2.7
Sun 3,005,308 2,818,344 2,817,857 -187,451 -6.2 -487 -0.0

Quality Daily Titles

  • The Daily Telegraph remains the top-selling quality title with a total circulation of more than 626,000 despite posting the biggest actual loss in the sector – down 60,000 copies.
  • The Times also dropped a hefty 56,000 copies – down 11.2% YoY – taking its total to 446,000.
  • The Financial Times‘ total is still below the 400,000 mark but the title enjoyed a small 0.8% PoP rise.
  • The Independent fared better than most, once again, dipping just 1.2% YoY and 0.3% PoP.
  • The Indy spin-off i posted total sales of 171,415 – down from 175,714 in February.


Mid-Market Daily Titles

  • The Daily Mail still has a healthy circulation of more than two million copies after a small 2% YoY drop in sales.
  • The Daily Express suffered a higher 7.1% YoY fall to almost 621,000 copies.


Popular Daily Titles

  • The Daily Record was the only title in the tabloid market to post an increase in circulation – up 0.1% PoP. However, the red-top is down 6.2% YoY.
  • The Sun suffered the biggest actual loss in the sector – down 187,000 copies – but remains the top-selling daily title with a total of more than 2.8 million copies.
  • The Daily Star‘s total has fallen below the 700,000 mark after a 15.5% YoY drop in circulation.


Sunday Newspaper Market

The only success story in the Sunday market is the Independent on Sunday, which managed a slight 0.3% monthly increase.

However, overall, the picture looks fairly bleak – the total market is down 7% on last year and some titles posted fairly substantial losses.

Sunday Titles Mar 10 Feb 11 Mar 11 YoY Actual Change YoY % Change PoP Actual Change PoP % Change
Total Sunday 9,555,726 9,045,799 8,882,869 -672,857 -7.0 -162,930 -1.8
Independent On Sunday 154,285 152,782 153,183 -1,102 -0.7 401 0.3
Observer 331,488 302,490 296,023 -35,465 -10.7 -6,467 -2.1
Sunday Times 1,111,660 1,045,495 1,031,727 -79,933 -7.2 -13,768 -1.3
Sunday Telegraph 509,754 488,218 481,941 -27,813 -5.5 -6,277 -1.3
Mid Market
Sunday Express 570,040 533,293 533,192 -36,848 -6.5 -101 -0.0
Mail On Sunday 1,952,697 1,924,589 1,888,040 -64,657 -3.3 -36,549 -1.9
Daily Star Sunday. 341,824 302,357 293,489 -48,335 -14.1 -8,868 -2.9
News Of The World 2,904,566 2,708,158 2,664,363 -240,203 -8.3 -43,795 -1.6
People 532,140 488,240 477,815 -54,325 -10.2 -10,425 -2.1
Sunday Mirror 1,147,272 1,100,177 1,063,096 -84,176 -7.3 -37,081 -3.4

Quality Sunday Titles

  • The Independent on Sunday managed a small 0.3% PoP increase, taking its total above 153,000 copies.
  • The Observer posted the highest percentage loss in the quality sector – down 10.7% YoY – which takes its total below the 300,000 mark.
  • However, the Sunday Times recorded the biggest actual loss (down almost 80,000 copies). Despite this, the title’s total sits above one million copies.
  • The Sunday Telegraph‘s total remains below the 500,000 mark following a 5.5% YoY drop in sales.


Mid-Market Sunday Titles

  • The Mail on Sunday posted a 3.3% YoY decline – a loss of almost 65,000 copies – taking its total below 1.9 million copies.
  • The Sunday Express recorded a 6.5% YoY drop to 533,000 copies.


Popular Sunday Titles

  • Amid the phone-hacking scandal, the News of the World, posted the biggest loss – down by more than 240,000 copies – but still remains the top-selling Sunday title with a total of over 2.6 million copies.
  • The Sunday Mirror‘s total still sits above the one million mark despite a 7.3% YoY and 3.4% PoP decline in sales.
  • The Daily Star Sunday suffered a 14.1% YoY drop, taking its total below 300,000 copies.
  • The People also posted a significant 10.2% YoY fall, leaving it with a total of 478,000 copies.


National Newspapers ABC Figures – Oct- Mar 2011

Daily Titles Oct 09 -Mar 10 Sep 10 -Feb 11 Oct 10- Mar 11 Actual Change YoY % Change PoP Actual Change PoP % Change
Total Daily 10,282,283 9,847,631 9,718,550 -563,733 -5.5 -129,081 -1.3
Daily Telegraph 712,283 646,517 639,817 -72,466 -10.2 -6,700 -1.0
Financial Times 399,471 391,048 389,245 -10,226 -2.6 -1,803 -0.5
Guardian 297,380 271,938 268,461 -28,919 -9.7 -3,477 -1.3
Independent 185,622 180,857 180,696 -4,926 -2.7 -161 -0.1
Times 527,882 464,907 456,683 -71,199 -13.5 -8,224 -1.8
Mid Market
Daily Express 679,085 638,577 630,806 -48,279 -7.1 -7,771 -1.2
Daily Mail 2,120,885 2,102,865 2,081,381 -39,504 -1.9 -21,484 -1.0
Daily Mirror 1,247,277 1,185,439 1,173,830 -73,447 -5.9 -11,609 -1.0
Daily Record 327,363 310,381 308,024 -19,339 -5.9 -2,357 -0.8
Daily Star 810,314 768,047 734,783 -75,531 -9.3 -33,264 -4.3
Sun 2,974,721 2,887,055 2,854,824 -119,897 -4.0 -32,231 -1.1

National Newspapers ABC Figures – Oct – Mar 2011

Sunday Titles Oct 09 -Mar 10 Sep 10 -Feb 11 Oct 10- Mar 11 Actual Change YoY % Change PoP Actual Change PoP % Change
Total Sunday 9,803,266 9,258,409 9,111,759 -691,507 -7.1 -146,650 -1.6
Independent On Sunday 155,449 152,716 152,333 -3,116 -2.0 -383 -0.3
Observer 353,279 313,019 306,610 -46,669 -13.2 -6,409 -2.0
Sunday Times 1,143,923 1,052,762 1,040,232 -103,691 -9.1 -12,530 -1.2
Sunday Telegraph 540,749 498,769 493,587 -47,162 -8.7 -5,182 -1.0
Mid Market
Sunday Express 588,347 548,065 542,649 -45,698 -7.8 -5,416 -1.0
Mail On Sunday 2,029,046 1,972,529 1,954,713 -74,333 -3.7 -17,816 -0.9
Daily Star Sunday 353,385 336,714 320,472 -32,913 -9.3 -16,242 -4.8
News Of The World 2,950,364 2,783,244 2,724,085 -226,279 -7.7 -59,159 -2.1
People 537,744 504,393 493,471 -44,273 -8.2 -10,922 -2.2
Sunday Mirror 1,150,980 1,096,198 1,083,607 -67,373 -5.9 -12,591 -1.1

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