
Nielsen study confirms growing “social TV” trends

Nielsen study confirms growing “social TV” trends

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A new report in the US by Nielsen says that almost half of all U.S. citizens – 143.9 million – viewed some video online in January this year.

Overall, online video viewing came to an average of four hours and 39 minutes for the month; and mobile video viewing is now 41% higher than it was a year ago.

Nielsen also says that in January 2011, 49% of all social networking and blog site visitors also visited TV network and broadcast media sites. Twitter had the biggest overlap with broadcast media sites at 76%, while
Facebook was at 50%.

Other key findings:

  • Timeshifting continues to be a significant factor in how consumers watch TV. 38% of all TV households in the U.S. have a DVR
  • The heaviest users of mobile video are 12-17 year-olds, who watch 7 hours 13 minutes of mobile video a month
  • The TV audience for sports is expanding. Record numbers of African Americans, Hispanics and female viewers helped drive the Super Bowl’s audience growth
  • Television advertising spend was the largest medium for all ad spending in 2010, accounting for $69 billion
  • Click here for more details.

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