
Which? calls on the digital radio target to be changed

Which? calls on the digital radio target to be changed

A digital radio

Consumer charity Which? has called on the digital radio switchover target to be increased to 70%.

The government has set a current target of 50% of all radio listening to be digital before it announces a switchover date, however, Which? suggests that this should be extended to 70% to prove that consumers are happy with DAB services.

The Which? report says the switchover is being industry-led rather than focused on consumers.

In a recent Newsline report, John Carroll, senior director at Ipsos MediaCT, said people who have DAB love it.

However, the UKRD chief William Rogers has called for the radio switchover date to be scrapped, and James Cridland, managing director of Media UK and a radio futurologist, said that although the latest RAJAR digital listening figures are a welcome, gradual improvement, anyone expecting the internet or DAB to replace FM listening any time soon “might have egg on their face”.

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