
VoD use up 11% in 2010

VoD use up 11% in 2010


Video on demand (VoD) viewing enjoyed an 11% increase in 2010, according to the multi-screen media measurement service provider Rentrak.

Last year an average of 38 million set top boxes accessed VoD content per month (44% of all enabled set-top boxes viewed on-demand content during an average month).

VoD users made an average of 17.1 transactions per month in 2010. The number of people watching films on-demand is up 9.1% – taking revenue to almost $1 billion.

However, free on-demand services represented 74% of all VoD ‘transactions’ in 2010 – with music, kids and TV entertainment topping the free content list.

Read the full Rapid TV News article here.

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