
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: May 2011

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: May 2011

UK Daily National Newspapers

The daily national newspaper market enjoyed a small 0.1% PoP rise in May, with three titles posting increases during the month.

However, the market didn’t manage to keep up the momentum from April’s 0.5% jump – with the Royal Wedding providing a much needed boost to circulation figures – but as news of super-injunctions dominated the headlines, i, the Daily Star and The Sun saw sales rise.

Three titles in the Sunday market also recorded increases, though the overall market was down 0.4% PoP.

Daily Newspaper Market

Daily Titles Apr-10 Apr-11 May-11 YoY Actual Change YoY % Change PoP Actual Change PoP % Change
Total Daily 10,188,562 9,763,758 9,772,333 -416,229 -4.1 8,575 0.1
Daily Telegraph 698,456 639,578 635,967 -62,489 -8.9 -3,611 -0.6
Financial Times 399,862 372,076 362,685 -37,177 -9.3 -9,391 -2.5
Guardian 300,472 263,907 262,937 -37,535 -12.5 -970 -0.4
i N/A 161,151 167,067 N/A N/A 5,916 3.7
Independent 194,501 180,743 179,371 -15,130 -7.8 -1,372 -0.8
Times 515,379 449,809 446,684 -68,695 -13.3 -3,125 -0.7
Mid Market
Daily Express 663,627 635,576 631,588 -32,039 -4.8 -3,988 -0.6
Daily Mail 2,090,469 2,100,300 2,056,881 -33,588 -1.6 -43,419 -2.1
Daily Mirror 1,238,145 1,172,785 1,168,664 -69,481 -5.6 -4,121 -0.4
Daily Record 328,618 312,566 311,540 -17,078 -5.2 -1,026 -0.3
Daily Star 822,934 692,157 702,044 -120,890 -14.7 9,887 1.4
Sun 2,936,099 2,783,110 2,846,905 -89,194 -3.0 63,795 2.3

Quality Daily Titles

  • The Independent spin-off i enjoyed a 3.7% PoP increase in sales (up nearly 6,000 copies)
  • The remaining five quality titles posted PoP and YoY declines
  • The FT saw the biggest percentage drop, down 2.5% PoP
  • Over the year, The Times and the Daily Telegraph suffered the biggest actual losses – down by more than 60,000 copies each
  • The Daily Telegraph remains the most-read quality title with a total of 636,000 copies


Mid-Market Daily Titles

  • The Daily Express posted a small 0.6% PoP dip (but is down 4.8% YoY)
  • The Daily Mail saw a higher 2.1% PoP fall, down 43,000 copies, to just over two million


Popular Daily Titles

  • Two titles in the tabloid market posted PoP increases – the Daily Star and The Sun
  • The Daily Star enjoyed a 1.4% PoP boost but is down 14.7% YoY
  • The Sun easily remains the most popular daily title with a total of 2.8 million copies (after a 2.3% PoP rise in sales)
  • The Daily Mirror and Daily Record both posted small PoP dips


Sunday Newspaper Market

The daily market’s small increase didn’t rub off on the Sunday market – overall, it is down 0.4% on April and 5.5% on last year.

However, three titles saw their circulation rise during the month – The Sunday Times, the News of the World and the People.

Sunday Titles Apr-10 Apr-11 May-11 YoY Actual Change YoY % Change PoP Actual Change PoP % Change
Total Sunday 9,512,164 9,024,628 8,987,851 -524,313 -5.5 -36,777 -0.4
Independent On Sunday 164,188 154,227 151,212 -12,976 -7.9 -3,015 -2.0
Observer 340,247 302,975 293,053 -47,194 -13.9 -9,922 -3.3
Sunday Times 1,117,749 1,018,215 1,049,599 -68,150 -6.1 31,384 3.1
Sunday Telegraph 512,819 509,557 480,438 -32,381 -6.3 -29,119 -5.7
Mid Market
Sunday Express 568,247 601,666 563,397 -4,850 -0.9 -38,269 -6.4
Mail On Sunday. 1,918,512 1,944,724 1,918,751 239 0.0 -25,973 -1.3
Daily Star Sunday. 357,130 309,237 305,984 -51,146 -14.3 -3,253 -1.1
News Of The World 2,858,727 2,606,397 2,657,232 -201,495 -7.0 50,835 2.0
People 526,438 480,196 481,224 -45,214 -8.6 1,028 0.2
Sunday Mirror 1,148,107 1,097,434 1,086,961 -61,146 -5.3 -10,473 -1.0

Quality Sunday Titles

  • The Sunday Times enjoyed a 3.1% PoP rise in sales, up by more than 31,000 copies
  • The Sunday Telegraph posted the biggest percentage drop in May, down 5.7% PoP – taking its total below the 500,000 mark
  • The Observer suffered a 3.3% PoP decline and a substantial 13.9% YoY decrease


Mid-Market Sunday Titles

  • The Mail on Sunday saw its circulation fall 1.3% PoP but remain static over the year
  • The Sunday Express recorded a 6.4% PoP drop, taking its total below 600,000


Popular Sunday Titles

  • Two titles in the Sunday red-top market enjoyed a boost in circulation numbers – the News of the World and the People
  • The News of the World increased its total by more than 50,000 after a 2% PoP rise
  • The People posted a small 0.2% PoP jump but is down 8.6% on last year
  • The Daily Star Sunday recorded a 1.1% PoP dip and a significant 14.3% YoY decline in sales
  • The Sunday Mirror saw a 1.0% PoP fall – a loss of more than 10,000 copies


Daily Titles Dec 09 -May 10 Nov 10 -Apr 11 Dec 10- May 11 Actual Change YoY % Change PoP Actual Change PoP % Change
Total Daily 10,176,402 9,653,628 9,613,223 -563,179 -5.5 -40,405 -0.4
Daily Telegraph 691,000 637,233 634,404 -56,596 -8.2 -2,829 -0.4
Financial Times 395,009 384,501 378,095 -16,914 -4.3 -6,406 -1.7
Guardian 292,826 266,440 265,165 -27,661 -9.4 -1,275 -0.5
Independent 187,017 180,411 180,716 -6,301 -3.4 305 0.2
Times 509,588 451,910 448,629 -60,959 -12.0 -3,281 -0.7
Mid Market
Daily Express 670,548 629,531 628,165 -42,383 -6.3 -1,366 -0.2
Daily Mail 2,101,552 2,076,039 2,068,632 -32,920 -1.6 -7,407 -0.4
Daily Mirror 1,234,455 1,166,752 1,165,223 -69,232 -5.6 -1,529 -0.1
Daily Record 326,895 306,535 307,959 -18,936 -5.8 1,424 0.5
Daily Star 807,791 718,670 709,551 -98,240 -12.2 -9,119 -1.3
Sun 2,959,721 2,835,606 2,826,684 -133,037 -4.5 -8,922 -0.3
Sunday Titles Dec 09 -May 10 Nov 10 -Apr 11 Dec 10- May 11 Actual Change YoY % Change PoP Actual Change PoP % Change
Total Sunday 9,630,591 9,045,681 9,006,789 -623,802 -6.5 -38,892 -0.4
Independent On Sunday 158,619 152,311 152,355 -6,264 -3.9 44 0.0
Observer 341,532 304,870 300,821 -40,711 -11.9 -4,049 -1.3
Sunday Times 1,124,603 1,034,212 1,033,723 -90,880 -8.1 -489 -0.0
Sunday Telegraph 516,964 493,449 489,951 -27,013 -5.2 -3,498 -0.7
Mid Market
Sunday Express 577,790 548,608 551,595 -26,195 -4.5 2,987 0.5
Mail On Sunday. 1,979,334 1,938,348 1,926,242 -53,092 -2.7 -12,106 -0.6
Daily Star Sunday. 351,096 314,069 309,806 -41,290 -11.8 -4,263 -1.4
News Of The World 2,911,491 2,693,446 2,676,684 -234,807 -8.1 -16,762 -0.6
People 532,634 489,308 485,735 -46,899 -8.8 -3,573 -0.7
Sunday Mirror 1,136,528 1,077,060 1,079,877 -56,651 -5.0 2,817 0.3

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