
Did you buy the last edition of NotW?

Did you buy the last edition of NotW?

NotW Final Copy

According to a Toluna QuickSurveys and Newsline poll, only 6.5% of people bought the last edition of News of the World on Sunday who wouldn’t normally buy a copy.

Of the 1000 respondents, 11.1% said they normally buy the NotW and did on Sunday, while just 6.5% said they bought a copy because it was the final one. 82.4% said they did not buy a copy.

News International, which decided to close the most-read Sunday newspaper amid the on-going phone-hacking scandal, printed an extra two million copies of the title on Sunday to meet the extra demand expected for the final edition of the 168 year-old newspaper.

In May’s ABC release, News of the World was one of few titles to post an increase – up 2% PoP (an increase of more than 50,000 copies), taking its total circulation to 2.65 million (although this is down 7% on its circulation of 2.85 million in April 2010). Sunday’s final edition is thought to have sold around four million copies.

The original News of the World poll, which surveyed 1294 respondents last Friday, was published again with the additional question relating to Sunday’s edition. Despite more revelations about the scandal, including Gordon Brown’s admission that the paper acquired medical documents regarding his baby son, the responses remained similar.

In the second poll, 56.8% of people thought NI did the right thing to close the paper, just down on Friday’s 60.2%. Although, 23.9% disagreed with the statement – up on Friday’s 19.8%.

The reason why respondents believe the paper was closed down remain the same – with “it is a toxic brand” attracting 49.3% of votes, similar to the first poll’s 49.9%.

Journalists were still the “most to blame” for the paper’s closure, according to respondents – 32% (compared to 33.41% previously).

See the full results here.

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