iPhone tops smart phone sales

After a staggering 20.34million sales in quarter 2, Apple’s iphone has been confirmed by the IDC as the worlds’ biggest selling smart phone. The device, now in its 4th incarnation, has been growing it’s market share since its introduction in 2007.
In between second quarter 2010 and second quarter 2011 iphone sales grew 141%. However, the market share Apple hold may not be here to stay, with Korean electronics company Samsung reporting a 380% increase in sales in the same space of time.
It’s not only the iphone 4 sales that are ongoing; huge sales are still being reported on older iphone models, as their prices drop. With a new ‘iphone 5‘ expected to be on its way soon, this trend could very well continue.
The smart phone market is expected to grow by 55% in 2011 with most other companies experiencing similarly high sales to Apple. However, one exception to the rule is Nokia who have been struggling in recent months, this quarter dropping beyond 20 million sales for the first time since 2009.