
AOP: Publishers to focus on mobile content

AOP: Publishers to focus on mobile content

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UK publishers will focus on audience profiling and driving content across mobile platforms such as the iPad and smartphones in the next year, according to the AOP’s annual Content & Trends Census.

Publishers plan to utilise their data better and provide multi-media content access, to help develop new revenue streams, the census found (responses were received from 37 board and affiliate AOP Members, in newspaper and magazine publishing, TV and radio broadcasting and pure online media – representing over 1500 brands and publications).

The survey shows that 86% of respondents have acknowledged that they are “under-utilising [their] data assets”.  AOP members have said they plan to review registration levels to access content and sites, in return for free access to some content.

While advertising continues to be named as the dominant revenue generator for publishers, businesses continue to embrace different revenue models including metered access, subscriptions, micro-payments, freemium or a combined subscription package for online and offline content. Of these, publishers expect to adopt freemium and micro-payments more widely in the next 12 months.

Tim Cain, head of research and insight at AOP, who managed the research project, said: “The Content and Trends Census has emphasised the growing importance of data to publishers, an area all are actively involved in developing, with many currently in a period of learning and experimentation. However, as interest in data develops, the threat of regulation, via government and legal restrictions, and in particular the EU Privacy Directive, are seen to be the major threats the industry faces, with the only bigger threat being the economy.”

Publishers have indicated that they are increasingly taking a platform-agnostic approach: iPad/tablet apps and digital editions are now seen by 42% of publishers as the primary platforms for paid content – compared to last year when publishers believed the main opportunity for paid content would be through their core website.

The revenue opportunity on mobile devices is seen by publishers as greatest through mobile apps sponsorship; unique mobile ad formats via apps and mobile internet sponsorship.

Publishers have demonstrated their conviction, as eight in ten publishers have invested in m.sites, and almost nine in ten publishers have sites optimised for mobile. Digital editions are being published by three out of four publishers, and almost one in two are publishing via an eReader.

“The other strong thread running through this year’s Census is the emphasis on mobile devices and the focus on opportunities for publishing via smartphone and tablets,” Cain continued. “The Census indicated that four out of ten publishers see mobile internet development and mobile apps as the most significant trend of the next 12 months, and a further 20% believe that leading trend to be specifically in the shape of iPad and other tablets as a platform for digital editions.”

Top 3 opportunities

(% of publishers seeing opportunity/major opportunity for their businesses in the next 12 months)

  • iPad/other tablets (94%)
  • Adoption of smartphones (92%)
  • Mobile Web (81%)

Top 3 threats

(% of publishers identifying threats or major threats in the next 12 months)

  • Economy (67%)
  • Government & Legal Restrictions (50%)
  • EU privacy directive (48%)

Lee Baker, director of AOP, added: “The Census is a valuable insight into the UK digital publishing landscape.  Our members are conscious that they need to look at maximising revenue streams, and the value of the data they have through loyal and committed subscribers.  We will explore this theme in the flagship AOP Summit in October, when our programme of stellar keynote speakers and panellists will discuss, debate and showcase ways that publishers can secure their commercial futures while responding to the requirements of their audiences.”

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