
Half of tablet owners view TV shows and movies on their device

Half of tablet owners view TV shows and movies on their device

According to new research from In-Stat, 50% of tablet owners are viewing not only feature-length movies on their device, but also TV shows.

Tablet and smartphones are not only becoming vital new screens for video consumption, but are also functioning as personal interaction devices for video-centric social networking and applications.

“Tablets, in particular, have become a primary video device, both inside and outside the home,” says Keith Nissen, research director at In-Stat. “By 2015, our research projects that 65% of the US population will own a smartphone and/or tablet. As these devices become a center-point for video engagement and consumption, content providers, device manufacturers, and operators need to support a multiscreen usage model that reflects social interaction, screen interaction, personalisation, and mobility.”

Additional research findings include:

  • Frequent mobile video users will more than triple over the next five years
  • Nearly 50% of 18 to 24 year old smartphone/tablet owners frequently social network about TV programs currently being viewed
  • 86% of smartphone/tablet users will view video on their mobile devices
  • Nearly 60% of smartphone/tablet owners will also be viewing OTT (over-the-top) video at home
  • The average Apple household will have four Apple devices, while the average Google Android household will have at least two Android devices

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