
TV Round-Up – August

TV Round-Up – August

Agency estimates put August’s terrestrial television revenue at £143 million. ITV brought in a total of £104.8m, up 3.9% year on year, while Channel 4 came in at £31.5m, up 0.5%. Channel 5’s revenue was estimated to be £6.7m, down from £8m last month.

It was a good month for ITV/C4 Adult, Women and ABC1 Adult impacts, with these audiences experiencing good year on year increases. Among C5 audiences, the greatest impacts were among Adults (2,075) and Women (1,149) while Housewives/Children had the smallest number at 347. Following the pattern for Impacts, there were year on year drops in ITV/C4 CPTs for Adults, Women and ABC1 Adults. The greatest fall was for Adults which fell 11.4%. On the other hand, Housewives and Housewives/Children saw increases of 27%. For C5 the most expensive audience to reach was Housewives/Children at 2,355p.

BBC1 again suffered in August with a viewing share of 29.2% (down 3.1% points year on year) compared to ITV’s 31.7% (down 1.8% point). C5’s share stood at 3% and Cable & Satellite channels increased 1.7% point to 12.6%.

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