
FilmFlex moving into TV content for 2012

FilmFlex moving into TV content for 2012


Video-on-Demand provider FilmFlex has announced its intention to move into providing television content for the first time next year, according to chief executive Jeff Henry.

Broadcast magazine reports that the company, which currently supplies paid-for movie streaming for companies such as Virgin Media, Film 4 and HMV is set to expand into the TV market in the coming year.

FilmFlex is known for its 24-hour access of Hollywood films for around £3.50 a time, reaching a turnover of around £40 million.

Henry comments, “Could there be the TV equivalent for the premium movie window? Would people pay to see the first episode of Downtown Abbey early? I think they would.”

The type of TV content the service would offer is to be decided by partners, but the company offers a unique angle to current models Netflix and LOVEFiLM, which offer unlimited content with monthly subscriptions. FilmFlex believes it has the ability to become the first company to take advantage of micropayments for domestic and US TV content to a UK audience.

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