
Razorfish continues to invest in automated media buying

Razorfish continues to invest in automated media buying

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Razorfish, the Publicis-owned agency, has invested 66% more in ad exchange-based buys than it did in 2009. This year, the figure will rise another 60%, according to ClickZ.

“Our continued expansion into the auction-based media marketplace has resulted in tremendous benefits for our clients in terms of more effective pricing, better targeting and stronger ROI overall,” said Razorfish’s Outlook Report.

Facebook is now one of the agency’s top five partners. 55% of its total budget goes to its top five properties, with 25% going to the next 32 largest properties.

A key theme at MediaTel Group’s First party data – the publisher’s black gold? event last week was the rise of online trading desks in agencies and the power Facebook and Google create in negotiations for the agency against other premium content publishers.

However, social media advertising still represents a relatively small proportion of the Razorfish’s total spend – just 4%, compared with 36% for search, 43% for display and 13% for networks and exchanges.

Overall, Razorfish expects its media billings for this year to be 25% higher than last year.

Read the full article here.

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