
Newsweek to publish ‘Mad Men’ issue

Newsweek to publish ‘Mad Men’ issue

Mad Men

Newsweek is planning to dedicate an entire issue – including the ads – to the US hit series Mad Men.

The magazine will adopt a 1960s design throughout, according to Ad Age.

Tina Brown, editor of Newsweek, said: “Newsweek was very much on the cultural forefront at the time of the show. It covered the events that are so much of the background for the show’s drama – the burgeoning civil rights movement, the women’s rights movement, the Vietnam War.

“That was Newsweek’s cutting-edge beat and its flourishing journalistic subject. So it seemed like a wonderful marriage in a sense to take that and apply it to the magazine, to make the magazine an homage to the period.”

Read the full article here.

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