
Kids switch from TV to mobile

Kids switch from TV to mobile

Mobile Phones

Children are switching their attention from television to mobile, according to a UK survey of young people.

The children with televisions in their bedroom is falling – and is now almost matched by those with their own personal internet access. The Childwise monitoring survey found that 61% of seven to 16 year olds have a mobile phone with online access.

The report also shows that children use their mobile phones for an average of 1.6 hours a day.

Young people’s lives increasingly revolve around their mobile phone, according to the survey. More than three-quarters of secondary school pupils are using their mobile phones to access the internet.

The report also says that children are more likely to play with their mobile phone than watch television before school; use the internet after school, rather than switch on their TV; and read something on screen rather than a book or magazine at home.

Multi-tasking is also a big feature – with many youngsters using the internet, or playing on a games console, while also watching television.

Two stars from our Youth, Media and Technology 2011 event – Amy and Bruno – give their views on television in these vodcasts.

Read the full BBC article here.

*The survey was based on interviews carried out in autumn 2011 of 2,770 five to 16 year olds.

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