
Arendt leaves Planet Rock

Arendt leaves Planet Rock

Planet Rock

Planet Rock MD Jonathan Arendt has announced he is leaving the company to set up a new digital media company, 7West Ltd.

7West will offer a number of digital products to radio stations and is being set up with Ricki Lee, co-founder of G Media.

Planet Rock owner and chairman Malcolm Bluemel will be resuming as CEO in March.

Jonathan Arendt said: “The last 18 months have been brilliant, working with truly talented people and great rock music – what could have been better? Malcolm has big plans for the station and I know it will go from strength to strength.”

Malcolm Bluemel added: “Jonathan will be missed at Planet Rock. He has driven audience and revenue to record levels and overseen a complete re-image of the station. I wish him well and look forward to working with 7West in the future.”

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