
TiVo users favour non-linear TV

TiVo users favour non-linear TV


Over 60% of viewing on TiVo is now delayed or on-demand video via broadband (OTT), while 38% is live TV viewing.

TiVo subscribers who also use Netflix, YouTube, Hulu Plus and other content services also prefer to watch catch-up TV, with live viewing dropping to 27%, according to new figures.

“The trend here is obvious. For most of their video, these consumers prefer to watch on-demand, whether it’s recorded off the air, cable, satellite, or delivered via broadband,” said Tara Maitra, senior vice president and general manager of content and media sales for TiVo. “It really has become all about whatever they want to watch, whenever they want to watch it.”

Read the full digitalmediawire article here.

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