
BBC sport – a national disgrace?

BBC sport – a national disgrace?

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The BBC has lost the will to fight for live sporting events, according to Sir Paul Fox – who was the managing director of the BBC Television Network from 1988 to 1991.

In an article in today’s Times, Fox talks about tomorrow being a significant date in television history – the last time that the BBC televises the Grand National. He wonders whether the BBC’s “will to maintain its sports portfolio is petering out”?

The Grand National will be shown on Channel 4 next year, as will the Derby and Royal Ascot. Fox fears that the 2012 Olympic Games will also be the last we see on BBC Television.

“Rightly, the scrutiny of the BBC’s finances must lead to the examination of its sports portfolio,” Fox writes. “But with income in excess of £3 billion, what is required is good housekeeping. The will has to be there to maintain its sports contracts; they are an essential part of the public’s entitlement.”

Fox calls on the new BBC director general to put a “fresh sports strategy” at the top of their agenda. He believes that the Charter review – due in 2016 – and the debate over the BBC’s licence fee will “become ugly” if not.

Aegis’ Jim Marshall also wonders what role the BBC should fulfil in the future broadcast environment in his latest Newsline column.

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