
AAR Launches Consumer Magazine Consultancy Service

AAR Launches Consumer Magazine Consultancy Service

The Association of Publishing Agencies has come together with the Advertising Agency Register to launch a consultancy service that allows users to match a client’s brief for a consumer magazine to a publishing agency’s expertise.

The partnership will see the AAR provide a range of services to the Association of Publishing Agencies, from managing initial enquiries to offering clients advice or guiding them through the complex agency search and selection process.

Following the initial client brief, the AAR will screen against a special short list of agencies and will set up meetings between clients and agencies to discover whether they are suitable for each other.

Commenting on the initiative, Kerry Glazer, managing director of the AAR, said: “We are extremely pleased to be working with the APA in this important initiative and to have received the APA’s endorsement of our service. We believe this will help both the publishing agencies and clients by encouraging best practice in the pitch process and result in more successful, enduring client/agency relationships.”

Julia Hutchison, director APA, added: “APA is committed to helping its membership grow and win new business, whilst generally increasing the use of customer magazines as a marketing tool. The implementation of a consultancy service is the next logical step for APA’s members and an exciting development for the customer magazine market.”

The AAR is an independent agency selection service, which was established almost thirty years ago with the remit to assist clients in reviewing and selecting agencies to service their communication needs. It covers all major communications disciplines including advertising, digital, direct marketing, and media planning and buying, as well as sales promotion and strategic consultancies.

AAR: 020 7612 1200 www.aargroup.co.uk

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