
ABC Begins Review Of Regional Newspaper Rule Sets

ABC Begins Review Of Regional Newspaper Rule Sets

ABC Logo The Audit Bureau of Circulations has announced that it has begun a review of the various rule sets for regional newspapers.

At the moment there are two rule sets through which regional newspapers can report; Regional Newspapers Paid, and Verified Free Distribution (VFD).

Both of these rule sets detail how copies must be counted and reported; and for each rule set a certificate is issued.

However, ABC says that publishers are diversifying their methods of distribution for regional newspaper titles, with methods used including using both paid for and free distribution together.

As a result of this, the Newspaper Society board has endorsed a proposal to merge the two regional newspaper rule sets and include rules for free ‘pick-up’ copies.

The proposal currently under consideration is for a single rule set for all regional publications incorporating all the distribution methods currently in use, including newstrade, subscription sales, bulk sales, free door to door copies, and free pick up copies.

This move will provide one certificate template for all regional publications, which ABC says will allow these titles to utilise different distribution strategies (both paid and free, and free pick up and door to door) and report them on one certificate with one combined figure.

ABC has set up a Regional merger group with representatives from the Regional Paid and VFD specialist committees, including publishers, media buyers and Newspaper Society representatives.

The group will be meeting on a regular basis to focus on the merging of the rules and reporting standards from each rules set. Once the merger group has agreed on the new rule set, both specialist committees will be asked for their approval, and in turn the ABC Council will be asked for its approval.

The merger group has agreed an initial timeline of having the new reporting standards agreed and in place by the end of the year, so the new reporting method comes into effect for the January to June 2008 reporting period.

Martyn Gates, Director of Newspapers and Consumer Magazines at ABC comments: “ABC’s role is to respond to the needs of its members, and the industry at large, in providing a robust and comparable currency for the trading of media space.

“The regional newspaper sector is no different from any other in the challenges and opportunities it faces in an ever changing environment.

“By working closely with the Newspaper Society, and with representatives from the relevant specialist committees, we’re confident that a single rule set for regional newspapers will support the sector and continue to offer publishers, advertisers and agencies the high levels of trust and accountability they already enjoy.”

Lynne Anderson, Communications Director at the Newspaper Society comments: “The regional newspaper sector continues to evolve and adapt to the changing media market and the new distribution channels that are becoming available.

“It’s therefore vitally important, for both publishers and buyers, that ABC standards evolve in line with industry need. This ‘one title, one certificate’ approach offers greater clarity and transparency than ‘one title, multiple certificates’ and will help to ensure that ABC remains a vital component in advertising decisions within the regional press sector.”

At the start of the month, ABC announced that was conducting a review of current reporting frequencies across both national and regional newspapers and consumer magazines (see ABC Conducts Review Of Reporting Schedule).

Prior to that announcement, ABCe said that it will now release web traffic figures for national newspaper websites on a fixed date each month (see ABCe To Regularly Release Web Traffic Figures For National Newspapers).

ABC: 01442 870 800 www.abc.org.uk

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