
ABC changes allow newspapers to split Saturday figures

ABC changes allow newspapers to split Saturday figures

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ABC has announced changes to the way national newspaper circulation data is reported. From April data will include a weekday daily average and a Saturday average by circulation category.

Circulation for excluded issues will be reported giving media planners and buyers visibility, for the first time, of those issues excluded from ABC averages. From July 2012 daily average indices will be published across each six-month period. The changes apply to April data and will first be seen in May when ABC releases its National Newspaper Report, bringing together information across all audited titles.

The changes were developed and agreed by the National Newspaper Reporting Standards Group, which is facilitated by ABC.

Rufus Olins, CEO of NMA said: “This is a significant step that provides more granularity and transparency into the circulation of our national news brands – and we hope agencies will find this insight useful. In the current multimedia landscape, we will continue to look at ways to provide insight into the different channels and the overall growth of our news brands’ audiences.”

Lynne Robinson, research director, IPA, added: “ABC circulation data plays a crucial role in the planning and buying of advertising in National Newspapers. This is an important and welcome step towards greater transparency as it aligns the data more closely to the way campaigns are planned and offers media buyers’ greater visibility over weekday and weekend audiences.”

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