
ABC Consumer Jan-Jun 2009: Women’s Weeklies

ABC Consumer Jan-Jun 2009: Women’s Weeklies

Weekly Magazine

H Bauer’s Take a Break is top of the women’s weekly market once again in Jan-Jun 2009, with a total circulation figure of 920,000 copies.

However, it was down both year on year and period on period, by 6.3% and 2.5% respectively.

Dipping under the 600,000 mark, OK! fell 1.2% year on year, although it managed a very healthy 18% period on period rise.

Bauer Consumer Media’s Closer, meanwhile, saw its total increase by 0.6% year on year, to more than 530,000 copies, according to the latest ABC data.

There were a few success stories in the women’s weekly sector, with Bella in particular standing out.

The H Bauer title’s circulation was up a massive 27.4% year on year, giving it a total of almost 244,000 copies.

NatMags’ Reveal was up 14% over the same period, to take its circulation to just under 316,000 copies. It also recorded a period on period increase of around 17%.

Up 18.5% period on period and 10.6% year on year, Star also made hay in the six months to the end of June. Its circulation now stands at almost 318,000.

Not all of the magazines in the sector had a good time of it though, with Love it!‘s circulation dropping to around 308,000 after a decline of 17.2%.

Celebrity focused mag Heat was down by around 5.5% both year on year and period on period, to just over 445,000 copies.

Now, IPC’s celebrity news and fashion weekly, shed 14% of its total circulation year on year, to leave it at around 384,000 copies.

Chat, also published by IPC, did not have the best of reporting periods, with its circulation down by 11.2% year on year, leaving it at under 435,000.

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