
ABC Consumer Jan-Jun 2010: Home Interest

ABC Consumer Jan-Jun 2010: Home Interest

Good Housekeeping

The latest ABC release shows a stellar performance from magazines in our Home Interest sector, with all titles seeing an increase in circulation compared with this time last year.

The overall market, which seems to be the least affected by the recession, has seen a positive 4.3% year on year upturn.

NatMag’s Good Housekeeping remains the most popular title in our Home Interest category, although IPC’s Ideal Home enjoyed a substantial boost this period, helping it to regain a lead over third place Country Living.

However, Hubert Burda Media UK, which has seen mixed results in other sectors, can boast the highest percentage increase this year.  Your Home was up by almost 14% to more than 130,000 copies.

It was also an exceptionally good period for Elle Decoration, 25 Beautiful Homes, Country Homes & Interiors and Country Living.

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